Get out!

Get out of Afghanistan!

Looks for no one in Berlin that this war by the constant bombardment of the Americans, which often ten times more completely uninvolved be taken as insurgents, constantly expanding and worse?

Very much in fashion is apparently since the inauguration of the World Savior Obama sending unmanned drones bomb inside Pakistan, which then turn into preset goals and increase the hatred of the infidel cowardly murderer from the West every time.

Either the Americans are dumber than a plank, or they want to achieve with it exactly ,

And when it is burning properly, we must German of course not let you down, höhö.

I for one would rather piss together with ten thousand drunken bums fully the Reichstag, because I chose a party that supported the war in Afghanistan.

I refer specifically to the respect Afghanistan's recent article of my esteemed colleague Beck here in her Zeitgeist blog.

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