His sense of virtue is that virtue is sense itself.
Archiv für die Kategorie ‘English Section’
His sense of virtue
Donnerstag, 09. Januar 2014Fuck’em!
Dienstag, 03. Dezember 2013‘E fuckin’ fuck ‘ey fucked up ‘ere in ‘eir fuckin’ show fucked!
Fuck’em! Fuck’em! Ga’dammit fuck’em!
‘Ey ain’t fuckin’ able’a fuckin’ see ‘eir own fuckin’ shit!
An Open Letter to Jake Stratton-Kent
Montag, 14. Oktober 2013Hi Jake!
We went through rough times then. Things were unclear here and there. Both sides misunderstood a lot of what was going on and happened. My wife, who later gave birth to our children, Andrea, is now with the gods, if there be such.
Then, at the selfsame time as I am experiencing some of the worst slander I have seen in my life, I find that YOU give Secret Societies what they deserve. Sheer contempt.
You are the man to stand for this. You have always been a stander. Our quarrels then have never befouled this my estimation of You.
I have though held up my disestimation of Secret Societies ever, not only since we then met.
Now, as I said to a good Swiss friend and colleague yesterday, it is much more important that You have taken up the feud.
I have never been a member of a Secret Society; thus they may call me a nitwit on the subject, they may ignore my word on that whatever I might say.
That they won’t be able to do to You.
People (of course most of my little readership as well) will not easily see what it means when YOU jump ship.
I certainly do.
The word is out.
And: You are twenty years older, just as I am. But the tough skinny Englishman stood his ground. I can’t speak for my lost wife, Andrea, but I’m quite sure that she would underwrite what I’m now saying.
The little sarcasm that was in my first post on this, as to the point that You have finally have come to this fundamental understanding I beg You to take lightly; what is at stake now counts.
For the first time in twenty years I have thought about taking up the subject of magick again; not that I had nothing at all to do with it over these years; some dumb asshole popped up now and then; I still know defense, of course, but besides that I mostly let things be.
There was one German (You know whom I’m talking about, Fraternitas Saturni and so forth) who seemed to be of Your caliber; but then, You may have a laugh on that, when Andrea and I discussed hypothetically who would win out in the end, him and You going against each other, we both said that Jake would make it, just for being the tougher one, even living for years in the last of pits before giving up if need be.
Enough laudatio. Let’s get down to business.
To me, Secret Societies have been the intellectual pest of the world since I’ve realized their power and importance. They cannot but cultivate the bad in man.
Here stands the scarfaced German widower; the artist that is till now not even (I know why, fuck’em!) recognized as one.
I’ll keep going working on this.
My word on that.
Greetings and my best wishes,
Absolute American Freedom: Hail Obama!
Dienstag, 25. Juni 2013All Men, Every Rancid Individual Can, Anywhere, Now
get, in the name of the United Suspicious Authorities, duly
Flagellated, Ransacked, Erased, Exterminated, Droned, Orderly Murdered
(For verification of the above said read the NDAA.)
Ain’t the installment of such a caring, wise form of government worth another Nobel Peace Price?
Hail Obama! Hail!
Thou, Brother of Brothers of all Fathers, hast brought ultimate democracy!
Finally, everyone is equal before the Law!
Thou couldst even order thyself be taken out by the Feds, if deemed thinking of cooperating with forces that might conspire with people that know people that possibly seek contact with terrorist suspects!
O Holy Man Saint! Yea: The world haileth thee, Fulfiller of All American Freedom!
Any one man who dareth befoul the righteousness of the Republic will subsequently find absolute justness!
This is bliss! (weiterlesen…)
Fuck off, Mr President!
Dienstag, 18. Juni 2013Fuck off, Mr Peace Nobel Murderer Liar President Barack Hussein Obama!
I do herewith solemnly declare that You are a persona maxima non grata on the soil of my Fatherland.
We have, yes we have, already, unfortunately, bums, rabble, thugs, traitors, warmongers, conspirationists, befoulers, cranks, craven flunkeydom and utmost dire man-hating dustjacks and mental debris enough here without Your presence.
It is absolutely unnecessary, thus, that You enrich their insaneness and baseness any further.
You are corrupt beyond what man can normally behold in its dimension und so understand: Fuck off! (weiterlesen…)
Also spake Zarathustra
Samstag, 03. November 2012The Seven Seals.
(Or: the Yea- and Amen-Song.)
If a soothsayer I am and full of yon soothsayerish ghost, that wandereth on high an yoke atween two seas, -
atween foregone and futurous wandereth as grave a cloud, -
foe to sultry lows and all, that weary is and cannot starve nor live:
aready for the blitz in dark a bosom and the loosening beam of light for, gravid of blitzes that Yea! say, Yea! laugh, for soothsayerish beams of blitzes: -
- but seely is the also gravid! And, verily, long must as a grave weather hang at the mount, who once the light of the future shall tind! -
oh how should I not be ruttish aft Eternity and aft the high-timely Ring of Rings, the Ring of Come-Again!
N’er yet found I the wife, from whom I children wanted, be then this wife it, that I love: for I love thee, oh Eternity!
For I love thee, oh Eternity!
Higher Consciousness
Mittwoch, 17. Oktober 2012X is not Z, as is Y.
Thus, as we don’t need to know German, which is a language too complicated for logic anyway, we may surmise that even an A be as irrelevant as an X.
This easily leads us to the conclusion that the Euro is beneficiary only for greedy Germany.
Also, we thereupon may grasp that Iceland is an Island.
Doubt, no doubt, is a great gift. It helps in unimaginable ways.
But then, to overestimate it constitutes the worst of sins in science.
Its brother is deviation, its sister is disbelief. (weiterlesen…)
A Tale from Teletherion
Sonntag, 26. August 2012First, know Yer language.
Second, identify Yer adversaries.
Then, X-ray their methods.
Thereupon You expose their language and their methods.
That will, most likely, bring You in danger.
The best shield is constant word. (weiterlesen…)
Wie bestellt?
Mittwoch, 30. Mai 2012Jeder abrahamitische Glaube ist eine gemachte Geistesstörung.
(Any one abrahamitic belief is one induced mental disorder.)
Writing “For Our Time”?
Samstag, 19. Mai 2012If one is gifted for, and does pursue, the writing of good novels, the question if he be writing “for our time” may be secondary. (It was, certainly, not so for Cervantes.)
Not quite the same is true for authors of essays and satire.
If their income is ok, their reputation therewith (or, mostly the same thing, thereby, at least with their wives and relatives), they may not even consider the problem.
Otherwise though, in the half-desert of some reception and little or no money earned, it is, at least for the better, more ambitious ones necessary to ask: “Am I doing this righteously, mainly, just for “our time”?
Or, is it not wiser, apter to this given fate, merely to take up some traits of the ruling zeitgeist, now and then poking some swine-snooted, dough-sooted, picking them nonchalantly up to go for goals beyond the now?
Can we not, should not exactly we, who are given the leisure (or rob it somewhere) to write what doesn’t even pay for wine and cigs, let alone rent and health insurance, give a darned sh.. on what is the latest babble of some petty politician, half-naked celebrity, pseudo-philosophical talkshow nitwit, the bankster whores, the blatant “scientific” lies of the shallow waters of the “expert” circus of the bigshot plutocrat pissoirs? (weiterlesen…)
Unerhebliche Gedanken (Irrelevant Thoughts)
Donnerstag, 10. Mai 2012Wenn es hier so weitergeht, mag es wohl sein, dass ich mich in knapp sieben Jahren endgültig aus dem bürgerlichen Leben zurückziehe.
Wie, das verrate ich jetzt noch nicht, muss sich dann auch noch zeigen.
Ich werde jedenfalls nicht für die Erfüllung des ESM-Vertrags schuften, bis mir die Kelle aus der Hand fällt, wenn mich keiner dazu zwingt. Und dann vielleicht gerade erst recht nicht.
Die Plutokraten hatten noch nie Freude an mir. Und das gedenke ich auf meine älteren Tage keineswegs zu ändern. Da können sie Grüne und Salafisten und FDPler zu meiner Bekehrung holen, was immer ihnen sonst noch an Endabsatz einfällt: ich bin nicht mehr für deren Laden zu keulen.
Ich weiß nicht (bezweifle es allemal), ob es den Zinsverknechtern in jüngeren Jahren gelungen wäre, mich an sie zu binden, hätten sie mir nur bessere Angebote gemacht. Mag sein. Aber anscheinend war ihnen das immer zu teuer. (weiterlesen…)
Paul Craig Roberts zur “Matrix”
Sonntag, 06. Mai 2012Unter dem Titel “Disinformation On Every Front” meldet sich hier wieder einmal der konservative US-Publizist Paul Craig Roberts zu den Lügen der “Matrix” (vorgetragen von allen politischen Lagern) zu Wort.
Ich will jetzt nur zwei Zitate herausziehen (interessant ist auch die “Bildungslüge”): (weiterlesen…)
Thine to take the lead
Dienstag, 24. April 2012As we have found out to a point far beyond utmost clarity, the abyss of misunderstanding progenerates freely in our world, weening itself informed anywhere, on anything, anytime.
The systematic undervelopment of competent readership skills forms the basis of that.
Let’s not be equivocal about it: Sure there are the conductors of the MSM, and they still have clout; but the crux of the sake is a lack of will, wisdom and subtlety on the part of the many; even on the one of many of the few.
On many things we are not supposed to know, grasp, connect, it is a mere mass of dead alleys, sidepaths, red herrings, esoteric and spiritual deviation that puts major landmarks in its mist; and, of course, “Truthers” may even be paid disinformants, sheer agents. (weiterlesen…)
Indirect False Flag / Indirekte Falsche Flagge
Samstag, 24. März 2012Ich meine, das im vorhergehenden Beitrag aufgebildete Rätsel wurde von Leser Dude auf denkbar einfache Weise gelöst. (weiterlesen…)
Hetzer und Spinndoktoren unter sich
Sonntag, 12. Februar 2012Es sind diese Dinge, die unsere Zeit wesentlich prägen, weswegen es nicht hilft, sie zu ignorieren. (weiterlesen…)
Globaler Krieg und Hungerporno auf dem Weg nach Fat City
Freitag, 03. Februar 2012“Global War and Hunger Porn on the way to Fat City”: Was diesen Text anlangt, so ist es mir zunächst gleich, wer ihn tatsächlich verfasst hat.
Ein “must read”, wie der Angelsachse zu sagen pflegt.
Ich will mich in diesem Falle kommentarlos darauf beschränken, ein paar Passagen zu zitieren und meine deutsche Version hinzuzufügen.
“Were you up for it anyway, you who bring the unwilling world to the doorstep of global war? You who are arranging the tableau, like a dinner table for the damned, ferrying ships bound for salvage, to be evidence in yet another false flag, waving blood red above the burning bodies of the duped and deluded who went into combat for bankers. The pens move and the weapons fire. Iran has done nothing to you. Their restraint has been admirable. In the mountains, ordinary human beings are skiing. They are walking through the pistachio orchards. They are dreaming their individual dreams, within the parameters of the collective dream. They are people like you and I. They have children, families and friends. They are not making war. We are.”
(Hattet ihr es ohnehin vor, die ihr die unwillige Welt an die Schwelle weltweiten Krieges bringt? Die ihr die Tafel bereitet, gleich einem Nachtmahltisch für die Verdammten, der Rettung bestimmte Schiffe aussendend, wiederum beweiseshalber unter falscher Flagge, die blutrot über den brennenden Leibern der für Bänker ins Gefecht gezogenen Betrogenen und Getäuschten weht. Die Federn bewegen sich, und die Waffen feuern. Iran hat euch nichts getan. Deren Zurückhaltung ist bewundernswert. In den Bergen laufen gewöhnliche Leute Ski. Sie spazieren durch die Pistaziengärten. Sie träumen ihre persönlichen Träume, innerhalb des Rahmens des allen gemeinen Traumes. Sie sind Menschen wie Sie und ich. Sie haben Kinder, Familien und Freunde. Nicht sie führen Krieg. Sondern wir.)
“The most powerful agency for calculated death and destruction is the fundamentalist, Christian right. Their sanctimonious, demagogic preachers, whip them into a lather of self righteous hate, manipulated and inspired by the very ones who committed the crimes that others are blamed for.”
(Das mächtigste Organ für berechneten Tod und Zerstörung ist die fundamentalistische christliche Rechte. Ihre scheinheiligen, volksaufhetzenden Priester peitschen sie in ein Schäumen selbstgerechten Hasses, betätigt und eingeflößt von ebenjenen, welche die Verbrechen begingen, deren andere bezichtigt werden.)
“Their missionaries go off to Africa, where they paint sugar water under the eyes of starving children, so that the flies will land there during the photo op. They are the merchants of Hunger Porn.”
(Ihre Missionare gehen nach Afrika, wo sie Zuckerwasser unter die Augen hungernder Kinder streichen, damit die Fliegen während der Fotosession dort landen. Sie sind die Händler der Hungerpornographie.) (weiterlesen…)
English For Everybody
Montag, 05. Dezember 2011We are of some any kind of origin.
That means us all.
Besatzungsbewegung: So viel Icke muss sein!
Sonntag, 23. Oktober 2011In diesem Video erklärt David Icke ganz irdisch, wie es aus seiner Sicht läuft und weshalb er befürchtet, dass die Besatzerbewegung genau jenen in die Hände spielen könnte, wider welche sie scheinbar aufsteht.
Das sollte man sich nicht entgehen lassen.
Späßle zum Linke ärgern
Donnerstag, 20. Oktober 2011“Right is bright, Left bereft”
(Meine Variante zum – fragwürdigen? – Spruche “Right is right, and Left is wrong”)
Göllers Hausmarke
Donnerstag, 20. Oktober 2011“Hyper Tera Beyond Imaginable Ultimate Sudden Instant Enddeath”
(Meine Chilisoße in mildwürziger, weltmarktfähiger Beschreibung)
Google ain’t mighty
Sonntag, 18. September 2011Google is as mighty as your dog.