Konstantin still under the Alb?

Konstantin has reported clandestine of the Swabian Alb forth with me.

The federal government had stated that the cleaning of the Reichstag dome had cost three trillion euros. It was first not funny anymore. All constable from Freiburg to Usedom were after him.

But he had found a cave where he probably could not be so easily traced; so I could pass quietly that he was reasonable to assume among the Alb. (It is quite possible that he in fact long since in Worms or Khajuraho.)

He says he wants nevertheless soon hit times in Hamburg or Frankfurt or even Rome.

Only barley in the cave, it was not his long term.

In Rome incentives for him but the upcoming papal election. He must now times to where the greatest mischief taking place. I know him. He means business. (The stock exchange in Frankfurt do not run him away. Hamburg he wanted anyway haunt yonder times only because of the well known beautiful women.)

He also does not exclude hinunt to sail on a barge to Vienna the Danube. After all, it said there was a Ferris wheel, he could even stop for a memorial service.

From London I advised him for good reason. Paris but where also einfänden sufficiently Zwielichter that he attract any attention there not easy, I brought him, also because with the quick tram quite easy to reach, even for proposals.

Since he had but left his last Fränkli from Zuri, as he says, in Berlin and on the run from yonder, half Gedarmerie the planet on his heels, he would verwagen no black ride Tram in the TGV. He eighth in his cave well on his boots; which he could rely.

My guess is that he lathers next Munich.

Then he needs to walk only a few days, and I know he wants to show them a long time, where no Barthel brings no more beer.

The overbearing nature, the weißwurstbäuchichte complacency of Munich, which go to him for a long time, so literally, "in the bag". The hamburgers were not even a little cocky, but at least there is there more beautiful women. So he is now times that Konstantin.

So who knows what the Munich Frauenkirche blooms soon. Or the Maximilianeum.

Unfortunately, he is probably not so soon after Stuttgart. First, there was already I to look after things, secondly it could be because of all the Älbler that might yet seen him take the Nachschube and dahinverirren regularly, at least provisionally not be here to see. Also, he says, here you understand yourself too well to smart people: he will therefore be easily detected here also.

He is probably already in Passau.

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