Ash Wednesday for aliens

Write your own comment to ' 'love' aliens? Since I laugh sometimes. ' I ask again a separately because he deserves it.

@ Aliens

Ash Wednesday. The CSU will not have to own. It would be even nicer.

As of now, Lent, love aliens. Not for me, because I am not a Christian. But for you.

I call that is hereby all mankind to on how to physically put yourself mentally to zero diet. Very fast. No late as eating during Ramadan. Almost no beer, no fifth season: just nothing more.

Sure, I already know some smart Meier'd think I led you anyway energy, alone, as I mentioned yours. But that is not even fat quark. Such Eso-kindergarten spells no longer pull at me for a long time.

No more sausage corner - or eat your foreskins? - For you.

As is more than capable you that you even well-digested green moldy bread, is also the now prefer a precaution in the oven, because it would be in the trash for you, you still steals fasted rats.

Yes, I know of no more Good day to you.

You can pray to the church. There are enough of them, and most are usually empty. So there you fall not easy. Devour the cassock of the pastor.

At some point, from the jagged even with the good-natured Goller.

Surely you could me when there are you, casually kill for insubordination, treason, blasphemy, whatever; but not my spirit. Karmically, if you believe in something, it would not just sent.

From skin, or shows you. With me is not good to eat cherries.

The thought that you, if there is you, know how to be a "Love" as their best equal thieves and tensioners or slaves go, as I stated it will have already spread.

All the reasons that have been out here against my speech, which is why you should stay in your hiding, ultimately founded on fear, fears zuwenigst. That speaks volumes.

Ever heard of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle? Assume that the viewer never pure spectator, engages its consideration?

You want to talk to you out yet? Not with me. Rose Monday was the day before yesterday. It is Ash Wednesday. And it would have been the day before yesterday was not enough.

I wish you that you die the Tachyonenantriebe, the Phaser fail, the Replikatorenenergie goes out, your clairvoyance to night, magnesium deficiency cramps, empty latrines because it nothing more is to clean shit, yea, even nightmares especially transdimensional way. And a lot of worthless , annoying refugees, popes, shysters, mass psychiatrist to whom the drug also assumed for themselves sick priests still abound so.

It should be really uncomfortable on your UFOs.

Not even more Muckefuck for drinking.

On Ash Wednesday is all over.

Also your carnival.

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