Healing our brewers, farmers, vintners, water machine operators!

I know that one. According to today's rules, unless it is large bankers, during the day should not drink anything, except at least three liters of water (What, however, already some who followed this too closely, early brought into the grave.)

But ask myself, why me during the day sometimes not even water tastes so right.

Is there a water scientist who can explain this apparent anomaly my time?

This special water people who have this by now developed Verwirbler- and Bega instruments that one can already get dizzy reading through the instructions, even more if the effects that then and so the water on all the chakras, Mikrosepte, areas of the brain, corneas, etc. have..

Then there is but as a bottle of wine or beer, which I know very well that almost a superset of water also trapped in it, so I will sometimes but not different than this to taste already for lunch, they prefer the Wunderschwirbelreinwasser.

Of course I know that one so disbelieve not supposed to be. But when I think of the poor grapes reader because, Given, hard on Südhange, merciless autumn sun, the mountain carried by the sweat of the Butte, I am overcome by the sympathy, my innate solidarity, sometimes so that I him at least from afar would like to support and etching not only the celebration evening.

Finally I've ever done hard work, on top of the church tower, close to the Lord, having taken freely bent into the abyss, the sanctity sandstone pieces set, so that none can say of me, I do not know what is a sacred activity.

My heart is but even with our brave German water machine operators who, incessantly, ständigzu, make sure to give me the clean liquid, which was not only for occasional washing, not only for rinsing countless Infantenteller, no, in addition to health unscrupulous Prepare by Tea and coffee will satisfy any time led to shave, to tolerable prices into the house.

The heroes are, if perhaps not heroes, but as we all well with the most important outstanding personal care, role models, where my highest consideration also can not be denied.

And without any oblique joke. Hardly any of them thanked their best work ever. I do hereby.

So: Healing our winemakers, brewers and farmers salvation, healing especially our tireless water machine operators!

Healing all who hear it!

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7 Responses to "Healing our brewers, farmers, vintners, water machine operators!"

  1. Thomas says:

    Hmmm ... there for your question only two possible answers:
    Either there is no quiet in Stuttgart BadBrückenauer or (Dude! Your use! Lot! Dissen!) You are a Suffkopf! : D

  2. Magnus Wolf Goeller says:

    @ Thomas

    I drink wine only as penance.

    Alswie a monk, so to speak.

    This is my daily sacrifice.

    The ritual, especially, met not only me, but also a sense I am, at the latest, when the burgundy posted theses on my door, only in the mountains of the Lord go.

    My church is always open. If not I just do my penance holiest between Trans Silva agents and Rieslings, I'm always to be found there, my sheep hear confessions and also to give them generous Council for their Hinankommen.

  3. Thomas says:

    Ugh, white wine. Can I even net hamm. For me there's only strong red.

  4. Dude says:


    Nope just let ... because who live in glass houses should not drinking wine, preach the water and so ...

    But the insane asylum of the universe, also called earth, otherwise sometimes almost unbearable ...

    In this sense: Proscht! :-)

  5. Rainer Grzybowski says:

    And do not honor the fire department?

  6. Magnus Wolf Goeller says:

    @ Rainer Grzybowski


    Many a firefighter had to whether pure water shortage already delete with beer.

  7. Thomas says:

    Whether firefighters if they are smokers, for fun, so to speak, for Freud, their fire starter by spit delete after lighting the mica? Do not get out of practice: According to the motto?

    And now the question that moves the world: What are fuming fire fighter to smoke detectors?

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