False Flag Reloaded

Let's look at the term "False Flag" / "False Flag", which has come in recent years greatly in fashion, sometimes in more detail at:

English Wikipedia:

"False flag (aka Black Flag) operations are covert operations designed to deceive in seeking a way did the operations appear <br> as though They Are being Carried out by other entities."

In German (not quite identical):

"He (the term" false flag ", n. Mine) refers to a company that is ostensibly carried out to conceal the identity and intentions of the actual author of a third party."

Well, what are false flag operations, which are classic ones understood by everyone.

But what about a variant that is now subsumed by many also including: namely, that, for example, a secret political assassination, acts of terrorism, etc. does not execute itself and pushes the matter to an opponent in the shoes, but still much risk free, behind exaggerated , swift going on.

He can namely simply go on the way that he, knowing what bad guys as plan their mischief and driving, look away simply notes simply "sees" sometimes leaves completely run accidentally into space a few uninitiated stupid policemen, can be a lot of time in his work, a series of "mishaps" does playing Three Monkeys, things can happen, just allow.

Is this then an operation "false flag" because the performers are actually really real?

Do we speak to do it in this case with the type B of false flag operations?

Or do we need for a separate technical term?

Supplement (7 hours after first entry)

It is the one described above is not a subtype of the stratagem of "false flag".

It says: Watching and shade.

Addendum II (25.2.)

You can stratagem that just yet regarded as a sub-form "under false flag", namely as "Indirect false flag". (See discussion and follow-up article.)

I ask whether my relevant fickleness forgiveness.

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7 Responses to "False Flag Reloaded"

  1. Dude says:

    Thank you for your thoughts.

    I think you can definitely classify such variants also under the umbrella term "False Flag", even if it is actually not quite correct.

    Since the term is a little known but meanwhile, it also brings nothing here to kreiren a new term, only already, because then you would have to explain about seven million times, so what you actually said; if one is ever asked .. ^^

    For my discretion merely a clarification would be necessary for such variants, such as: "Indirect False Flag" or "Passive False Flag". The latter I think is the better option, because it hits the nail on the head.

    The problem is that there is probably some overlap, so a passive attack is not really passive if, for example, of "government institutions" (intelligence and co.) From the hidden background out massively be given support, it was just before air travel allow, without risking "preventive arrests", or even cash flows (or weapons) that would otherwise hardly come in today's surveillance society, attention-& resistance to allow flow to the tool, or to ensure that the attention of the planetary civil society yes is not very focused on dubious organization, and much more.

    Depending on the intensity of aid from the background one can again not really speak of a passive action so in certain cases.

    However, I do have long nachgesinnt about it, and me there is no better term occurred.

    Maybe lays still a / r a gold egg in this regard here. :-)


  2. Magnus Wolf Goeller says:

    @ Dude

    Thanks for the suggestions! - But I think that "Indirect False Flag" or "Indirect false flag" the better your proposals.

    "Passive False Flag" or "Passive false flag" seems somewhat misleading and not entirely accurate, as happened originating party - I like the thing with the help (I call the name, if I granted that) as "watch and shade" try looking benamte - not only can happen, but also shaded, in the process, and then shaded the "Declaration" operations, also quite active assistance of the kind described by you does, so the coup really hinhaut.

    Since "False Flag" is an established, well-known expression, "Indirect False Flag" the matter and approach describes very well, this combination is so far for me the clear choice.

    I've just times the Google asked: This determination you can attach you the lapel.

    That I am not come to this so very simple like true solution itself ... sob.

    I will set them right now as complementary items tag.

    Thank you!

  3. Magnus Wolf Goeller says:

    @ Dude

    I think that we certainly afford a work of potentially significant implications here. Humans perceive a thing, a process often only accurate and really be relevant if he has an understandable term for it.

    Furthermore, it is indeed a matter of imprecise terms that confuse and also offer skeptics as "Verschattern" all kinds of attack surfaces like on display.

    And I know, of course, that we will not take seriously many herein as they we catch a reflex than a useless sham or as a vain Back inflating dismiss what. But these are quite likely those who are not able to see, want to see how much they are trapped in their thinking by professionally set and repeated daily Verwirrbegriffen Orwellian kind. (Do not join those who mock us for that very reason, because they are off to and / or be familiar.)

    A necessary Begriffspräzisierung can prevail over night: but it can also be long.

    The main thing, the seed is sown once and is then regularly watered.

  4. The future is now! - Explosive interview with Deborah Tavares | Be welcome the Dude says:

    [...] Application of attacks under false flag, mass media manipulation, use of biological weapons (viruses), weakening of the immune system via [...]

  5. The future is now! - The Pain Interview with Deborah Tavares | Be welcome the Dude says:

    [...] Use of false flag attacks, mass media manipulation, use of biological weapons (viruses), weakening of the immune system via [...]

  6. History lesson with the historian and peace researcher Daniele Ganser | Be welcome the Dude says:

    [...] On Security Policy, covert warfare, intelligence, staged terrorism, false flag attacks, and about the power of interpretation, the epithet specifically built [...]

  7. KenFM interviewed Daniele Ganser. A fiery history lesson. "Bumi Bahagia - Happy Earth says:

    [...] On Security Policy, covert warfare, intelligence, staged terrorism, false flag attacks, and about the power of interpretation, the epithet specifically built [...]

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